The last time Nora and I spoke together in front of our extended family and friends it was one of the most joyous occasion of our lives with Bobby and Jen’s wedding, Joyous like our own wedding day, and the birth of each of our (3) sons: Bobby, Chris, and Tommy.  Today, we are before you in anguish and pain that seemingly will not subside. As Bobby related in his remembrance about Tommy… Tommy carried his cross of chronic physical pain, and resulting emotional suffering. Yet, during this same time, many of us have enjoyed Tommy’s ability to positively affect the people around him and light up a room.

We want to share some excerpts from some of the messages or postings this week about Tommy.

1st, From the  headmaster of the Salisbury Prep School that Tommy attended. Tommy was beloved here and will be remembered for the wonderful soul he was.  While his winning goals against Hotchkiss and Avon are etched in my mind forever, his warm smile and attractive personality were even more impactful and blessed everyone on this Hilltop.  He was a favorite son.  A Salisbury Man forever.

From one of the lacrosse coaches at LOYOLA University, I want you to know that our program is thinking about your family at this most difficult time.  I will never forget Tommy’s passion for the game, his teammates and his desire to get back on the field.  He fought so many battles during his time at Loyola, but always had a smile on his face

A posting from one of his many friends from high school. Tommy was a person you could meet and instantly connect with; he will be truly missed. One of the funniest and most genuine people I have ever met and it was a blessing to have spent as much with Tom as I did. Until we meet again, rest easy my friend

A  co-worker from a summer job. Those of us that know Tommy and worked with him have fond memories of his banter, his wit, and his capability to light up a room.

Chris and Bobby have talked about countless times with Tommy where he did something to make them laugh, or brightened the moment with something unexpected. Tommy admired them for their unique qualities, but they also admired Tommy for his. To them he was the “Phenom” in many ways.

….yesterday I also learned from a number of people how Tommy inspired them

It is true, while Tommy carried his cross of his unresolved chronic pain and suffering, he almost always smiled, say, or do something funny, and light up the room.

To the Salisbury School Headmaster, Tommy is a favorite son of theirs.

For Nora and I, he is our son.  A favorite son also…. as are Chris and Bobby.

To the Salisbury School Headmaster, Tommy will be a Salisbury Man forever

For Nora and I, we know Tommy is now free of chronic pain and with Jesus our savior in heaven forever.

Nora and I hope that someday we are worthy in the eyes of God to join Tommy and Jesus in heaven, and we may even look forward to that day.

We pray that Jesus will grant Nora and I, Chris, Bobby and Jen, our parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the Courage to change the things we can; And Wisdom to know the Difference. Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

So, together, Nora and I will pick up Tommy’s cross, and create a foundation to help others in his name,  we will carry it together with a smile thru our tears and try to light up the room of family and friends like Tommy did. I am sure we will stumble and fall far more than 3 times each, but we will pick each other up. We will carry Tommy’s cross with loving joy knowing we are walking with purpose towards Tommy’s light in the great room of heaven.

Tommy, we love you, we miss you, but we know that when this cross gets too heavy, the burden too much to bear, we will reflect on your strength when you carried that cross thru your chronic pain that would not subside, and we will feel the warmth of your light from heaven. This will give us the strength to accept the things we cannot change; the Courage to change the things we can; And wisdom to know the difference.