Today we are publicly launching our web-site, Facebook and Instagram sites in support of the TJL Athletic Trauma Recovery Foundation. Our goal is to help make a better tomorrow for young adolescent, teenage, and college student boys and girls who participate in athletics and who experience physical trauma and the pitfalls of the recovery process form them and their families. The foundation is in honor of our son and brother Tommy Jerome Labadini (TJL) and his life experience as a successful student-athlete who suffered a series of traumatic sports injuries. The purpose of the foundation is to share his and our family experience to help create awareness for families and student-athletes at the high school and college level with the management of serious physical injury and post-surgical physical and emotional recovery, the ramifications of prescribed prescription pain management drugs by the medical profession, how each child is special with their own potential depression and life stress factors; and how to avoid negative long term or fatal outcomes. Nora, Bob, Bobby and Chris Labadini all want to thank you for your support and work with us to make a better tomorrow.