The mission of the TJL Athletic Trauma Recovery Foundation, this web site, and related social sites, is to help make a better tomorrow for young adolescent, teenage, and college student boys and girls who participate in athletics and who experience physical trauma and the pitfalls of the recovery process form them and their families.

The foundation is in honor of our son and brother Tommy Jerome Labadini (TJL) and his life experience as a successful student-athlete who suffered a series of traumatic sports injuries. The purpose of the foundation is to share his and our family experience to help create awareness for families and student-athletes at the high school and college level with the management of serious physical injury and post-surgical physical and emotional recovery, the ramifications of prescribed prescription pain management drugs by the medical profession, how each child is special with their own potential depression and life stress factors and how to avoid negative long-term or fatal outcomes.


The foundation activities intend to include sports-related community formation, creating and managing a social network platform, creating a help community through this social network and connecting advocates and resources from other experiences to create better outcomes for society and families.

The foundation may also establish college scholarships at The Salisbury Prep School, Bishop Guertin School and other related foundations and community groups who have similar goals and interests.

The foundation will also direct charitable funds to medical research relating to:


Post-surgical emotional and psychological care for young teenagers and college-age young adults who have suffered a sports-related injury


Addressing issues relating to the pharmaceutical industry’s overuse of prescription drugs for teenagers and college-age young adults and subsequent treatment programs that do not provide the proper tools or support and have extremely low success rates


Research on CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) implications relating to contact sports by teenagers and college-age young adults


CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) research based on the combination of one or more these factors and the onset of depression and anxiety for teenagers and college-age young adults